Everything Copyright,
except the 'stoopid' banners of Fortunecity, okie?!
This is a presentation of Animal Farm, in which we would not go deep into the details of
the story, however, we would draw out the examples that show the breaking of the 7
LAWs, and this webpage is designed with more colour so that the viewers would not
fall asleep!! So, if you pardon the loading time, we may proceed on....
The seven commandments are---
Whatever that goes upon two legs is an enemy.
C ommandment 1 broken by �
The pigs who made friends with the humans and even engaged in trade with them. Even before
the revolution, the rule had been broken for there were some animals that believed that Mr
Jones was destined to rule them and had accepted their fate, thus not treating him as
their enemy. Mollie too had broken this commandment by choosing to become a slave by the
humans by betraying the animals as she went to the humans side for she could lead a
more comfortable life. Her vainity disillusioned her and led her to break this

that goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
Commandment 2 broken by � Napolean
chased away snowball which meant that they were obviously not friends. Also, the cat did
not treat the sparrows as comrades or friends but instead treated them as prey. The
animals that voted the wild animals as comrades supported them for they were not natural
enemies of the animals and they need not go against their natural instinct. Thus, this
commandment was never really effective after all.It was also broken when the dogs attacked
the rats at the time of Old Major's Speech.

No animal should
wear clothes.
Commandment 3 broken by � Mollie
broke the commandment by secretly wearing the ribbons which were considered clothes. Also
the pigs too broke the commandment later in the story when all of them started to wear
human clothes. The awards given out after the Battle of the Cowshed also proved that this
commandment was broken. All pigs of whatever degree were allowed to wear green
ribbons on their tails on Sunday.
No animal should sleep in a bed.
Commandment 4 was broken by � The pigs broke the commandment by living in the house and
sleeping in the bed and they covered their crime up by adding the words "with
sheets" behind the commandment, thus completely changing the meaning of the
commandment. They thus slept without the sheets and the stupid animals did not suspect

No animal should
ever drink alcohol.
Commandment 5 was broken by � The
pigs again broke this commandment by adding the words " in excess" behind the
commandment, which again completely changed the meaning of the commandment. The stupid
animals again did not suspect anything, allowing the sly pigs to drink to their hearts
desire for they did not specify how much was in excess. Cunning pork brains they have!

No animal should ever kill another
Commandment 6 was broken by �
Napoleon broke the commandment again as usual by rearing the young puppies into killing
machines which he sent after snowball, his rival, thus breaking the commandment. Also, the
dogs too killed animals, which had done wrong despite how minor the crime was. Also, he
killed 4 porkers by accusing and obviously forcing them to admit they were working for
Snowball when all they did was speaking up for Snowball when he was chased away. The
Mass Massacre : The farm animals were ordered to assemble one day, whereby they were told
that there were traitors among themselves. Many animals, coincidentally the defiant ones,
promptly confessed to shocking crimes and were executed by the nine dogs.

All animals are
Commandment 7 was broken by � The
pigs again! They broke the commandment and got away by modifying the commandment on the
wall by adding the words "but some animals are more equal than others" and
adding the rule that all animals should step aside to let a pig pass if they ever met.
Also, the young pigs were not encouraged to play with the other animals, which obviously
shows that the pigs looked down on the other animals showing the unequalness of the
society. Even when Squealer was found lying in pain after falling off a ladder while
editing the commandments, only Benjamin could tell what was happening but the other stupid
animals STILL could not see what was happening. Also, none of the animals were really
equal in the first place for there were always some animals which did more work than
others, like Boxer and those who did less or no work like Moses the Raven and the cat who
ate but did nothing. Thus, it is quite impossible for a society to be really equal after
